Friday, November 28, 2008

The time...oh where does it go?

Times have been changing and so have priorities.  So this summer didn't turn out to be this crazy summer of acro that I had intended but that doesn't mean it was bad.  I also never successfully put together a girl tow day but that doesn't mean it was bad either.  All this means is there is more on the to-do list.  I was really pumped on a few things this summer:  My favorite girls moved out to join me and my mom, my husband sold several winches, we got married and as fall moved in we both made some job changes that so far are working out.  
Life has never ending challenges and it becomes clearer and clearer that the attitude that you approach change and challenges is going to make it or break it.  My job change has been especially stressful because I am giving up a lot of benefits (including health insurance for both of us.) to try to pursue a potentially great career that will give me the time and resources to do every thing that Justin and I have always wanted to do.  Applying for private health insurance has not been all that fun.  BUT I have to have faith and take a risk.  Justin didn't build a fabulous winch by playing it safe.  He had to take a chance.  A big one.  Following in his footsteps and with his support I am doing the same.  Only I am not building winches, hahaha.  I am nervous about the stupid health insurance thing but the only way to find out is to let it hang out for a bit.  
Anywho, life just goes and the time goes with it.  We will see what happens...  
On a note, here are some pics of our little bro tow day with was fun, i did some SATs on the sigma 7.  couldn't get the wing tip to stop vibrating.  inflated and SATing, yes but the wingtip vibrates.  weird but the first time I have done one on a wing other than my mamboo.  

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